We Want You, Dreamer

Dream on, you crazy diamond.

 Hello there, Dreamer,

We have a confession to make: you don’t need us.

What a strange thing to blast out to an email list that is, ostensibly, designed to market and sell a service, right? Especially for Dreamtime, where our mission is to help tether you more deeply to yourself, your community and the Unseen through the wisdom of your dreams.

But it’s true, you don’t need us. Let us explain.

You sleep. You dream. If you want to pay attention to your dreams, to start a practice of recording them and learning to explore them on your own, you can.

If you want to educate yourself about the history of dreams, various schools of thought about dream symbolism and the wide variety of practices--ancient and modern--to engage in dream work, you can. 

Odds are good your life is (probably) pretty good. We’re willing to bet you were doing OK, all told, before you clicked subscribe or joined us for a Dreamtime workshop. And it’s likely if you never attend a Dreamtime event, things will keep moving roughly in the direction they are. Fantastic. 

We say you don’t need us because need is scarcity-based and manipulative. Need feeds on fear: fear of hunger, of danger, of loneliness, of not having enough, of not being enough. We breathe that toxic air all day long, same as you, and we’re not about it. 

What we are about is choosing, as Dreamtime, to operate from a place of want.

We want you to join us; we want to explore your dreams with you; we want to build a supportive community through Dreamtime; we want to help you tether more deeply to yourself, to each other and to the Unseen. 

We know it’s not easy. We feel freaked out and anxious and in our heads, just like you. And we work hard to set aside scarcity and lean into the vibrant reality of abundance. One day at a time. One breath at a time. One dream at a time.

So what do you want, Katie? Not what you need, or what you think you’re supposed to want, but what you actually want. Have you ever stopped to think about it?

Consider this invitation:

Grab a pen and paper. Find a quiet spot to sit by yourself. Set a timer for 5 minutes. Take a few breaths and settle in. Then let yourself finish this sentence in as many ways as you can, trying to keep your pen moving the whole time:


We invite you to take seriously what comes out of this exercise; to really let yourself want what you want. We’d love it if you’d let us know what comes up for you

Deep dreams,
Graham and Matthew 

Graham Murtaugh