Welcome to Dreamtime

Who knows what dreams may come?

Dreamer, have you ever taken yourself on a dream date?

My coach asked me this one day during a session. The confused look on my face must have tipped her off, so she explained: a dream date means setting aside time to let yourself dream about the goals, desires, plans and fantasies that get set aside to deal with daily life.

No, I told her, I hadn’t. I felt some resistance, but she encouraged me to be open to the idea, so one recent Friday, I tried it out.

I made a pot of coffee, got out some markers and one of those massive Post-It Note pads they use in corporate trainings, put on some chill music and…just sort of stood there. 

I had no idea what to do. At least at first. 

As I let the music take over and settled in to my body, I started trying things. I wrote random words. I made marks that didn’t “mean” anything. I drew three weird squiggly flower-people (?). I danced a little. Much as when night-dreaming, I tried to let go of conscious control and allowed the Unseen to lead me.

That Post-It Note is wildly messy. There’s stuff all over, some of it hard to decipher (even to me). It’s not art or any kind of plan. It doesn’t make logical sense. But that’s OK because when I look at it now, I remember what it felt like to let myself dream and play, and I know something important got loosened up in me. 

One wildly unexpected thing I uncovered during my dream date is a sort of accidental mission statement for what we do at Dreamtime. I want to share it with you: 

In times of uncertainty, Dreamtime offers a deep tether 

to ourselves, each other and the Unseen

through the wisdom of our dreams.


And that’s the invitation: take yourself on a dream date.

Set aside at least half an hour, get out some paper and pens, put on some music and let yourself dream. No shoulds or have-to’s here. Try instead for desire or curiosity. Some helpful questions might be, What do I want deeply? What do I wish for? If I listen closely, what’s asking to come through me into the world?

Are you willing to try it out? You might be surprised by what you learn…

At Dreamtime, we find it incredibly life-giving to connect to our dreams--and to help you do the same. We’d love to dream with you. If you’re curious, you can find more further down in this email.

Deep dreams,
Graham and Matthew

Graham Murtaugh